The cover cover page is available as an ordered courseware supply or in downloadable form here (see Courseware Orders). The course cover sheet or page is used to summarize each course as well as to alert Seagull Headquarters by fax that you have entered the students registration data on the internet, had the check drafted and are ready for certificates to be delivered to your center (with check afixed to faxed form). The form is then used to transmit via fax maching the final grades. The final grade for each student is posted on the left side of the students name and faxed to headquarters at 954-524-2430. Finally, the form becomes the cover page for the individual course. This form must be used for all Seagull Courses submitted to Headquarters.

The Spanish language course form is identical except it must be on green paper.

The coversheet should be routinely ordered along with your manuals, certificate paper, and other printed supplies. Or if you run out, download the course cover sheet here