Course Approvals


Seagull has forever maintained the highest list of state approvals of all training providers. That's one more reason why Seagull training is so sought after. When is comes to being able to apply for licensing in several states, chances are our certificate will get you the most bang for your buck.

When it comes to multi-state licensing and accreditation, the state laws can be confusing, especially for the students. Even though our certificates are either approved or accepted based on our approvals in another state, there are some states where we may not have a center in the state and and the state law requires to have training from a provider in the state in order to get a license.

Call Seagull we can help you best understand and provide answers your clients needs. Or have the client call in to the state and ask "if I take this course can I get a license?".

The following is a link to specific state information. On this page there are links including where our certificate is approved and links to each states governing agency website.


For help with state approvals CLICK HERE