At this time most of the states have promulgated regulations to administer their own state run ASBESTOS and LEAD programs. Although each state run program is different, most state regulations require licensing for each state you work in. Most states license and approve the training providers as well as the consulting and contracting companies and in some cases the individual employees. When you apply for your state license you will be required to provide a completed application, fees and your certificate(s) of training.
Here's where it gets tricky. Some of the state licensing requirements call for your training provider to be approved by that state. On the other hand, in other states your certificate is "accepted" and you can get your state license as long as the training provider is approved by the U.S. EPA or any other state that has a training provider approval process. This is called reciprocity. One state is reciprocal with another or several states. Not all States are reciprocal.
When states don't have their own implemented program, the state must rely on the Federal U.S. EPA's laws. For Lead, the U.S. EPA operates a licensing program for the few states left without implemented programs. For Asbestos, the EPA does not run a licensing program. Although there is no Federal licensing program for asbestos states, trained persons are required on all NESHAP defined public and commercial buildings. Additionally, most consulting firms write into the project specifications the requirement for trained employees regardless of the type of work.
Seagull holds and maintains full Federal US EPA approval for all of our courses as well as state approvals in most states. 
Seagull courses are designed to meet the State laws in which Seagull courses are offered. This has resulted in a Seagull certificate of completion being the most universally accepted certificate in the country. Through over 250 State and Federal audits, Seagull courses have proven to be complete, accurate, consistent, and effective.
Please use the links above to visit each state's website for specific details on individual state licensing requirements. See how the EPA Region III MAREC reciprocity agreement reads.