HANDS-ON Checklists

CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 1 (Init & Refresh)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%201.pdf

Hands-On Checklists are used during your first courses to insure that each item is presented correctly.  For those that intend to depend on remote hands-on, the checklists are still important.  In the event of an emergency, where remote training is impossible, you or your staff may need to step in to conduct all or part of the hands-on segment.

Once up and running, checklists are only needed in the most extreme of emergencies.  You may notice that certain skill sets are combined with others.  These skill sets are related and are combined as a single activity.

When needed, click in the links below to download a printable copy of the skill sets. 

Please notice they are 8.5 X 14.

Whether local or remote hands-on is chosen, each hands-on activity is preceded by a short video of explanation.  These video’s are available on the Seagull-supplied computers as well as on DVD.

In addition, printable posters of these activities are available by clicking here!

CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 1a (Init & Refresh)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%201a.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 2 & 3 (Initial)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%202%20%26%203.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 4 & 7 (Initial)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%204%20%26%207.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 5 & 8 (Initial)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%205%20%26%208.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 6 (Initial)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%206.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 9 (Initial)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%209.pdf
CLICK HERE TO PRINT Skill Set 10 & 11 (Init & Refresh)HANDS-ON_CHECKLISTS_files/NEW%20HO%2010%20%26%2011.pdf
BACK TO INITIAL CHECKLISTPBCR_Checklist_2.htmlPBCR_Checklist_2.htmlshapeimage_9_link_0
BACK TO REFRESHER CHECKLISTPBCRR_Checklist_2.htmlPBCRR_Checklist_2.htmlshapeimage_10_link_0