“G” Numbers & Tuitions Payments



    The vast bulk of Seagull RRP  students are provided by a third party reseller.  The local training provider will receive an advance email of the fact that a particular student or students will be attending.  Included is the “G” number.  See the following example:


Made on a Mac

    The trainer or facilitator must have the “G” number in order to register the student.  The  “G” number is provided in the advance email, the student may provide it, or it is available by subscribing to Seagull’s online calendar.  If all else fails, call Seagull at 1-800-966-9933.


   In some instances, the local provider will collect the tuition.  In this case, the trainer or facilitator must obtain an “F” number.  This number will track the student through the system and insure that the local provider pays Seagull its percentage.  Online registration will not succeed without a valid accounting number.

To get a F number go to this link:

Now select "NEW F NUMBER". On this page put in your course number (they change every week), your check number and the amount of the check. On the check under memo write the course number, type and how many it pays for.

That's all! You do not have to put anything in the lower area on the F-num page. Now submit it by clicking " Post This" 

It will return an F-number. Please use the F-number when submitting the student data and to further identify this payment.

We will hold this F-number as a "placeholder"  for the check that you will be mailing to Seagull. We expect that the payment will be sent by US Postal delivery on that day. 

When the check comes arrives, the F number is replaced by a deposit number. This helps us keep track of any monies.  If you fail to send in check(s) for that week the release of any future certificates may be withheld until payment is worked-out.


In other instances, the local provider will collect the tuition by credit card.  In this case, the trainer or facilitator must contact Seagull at 1-800-966-9933.  The student will fill out a credit card form.


A “CC” number will be issued by phone.  This number will track the student through the system and insure that the local provider is paid by Seagull.  Online registration will not succeed without a valid accounting number.