Cleaning, Organizing, and Inventory


    Much of the success of eRRP training is that each training outlet is identical in several respects.  Most important is the six bin inventory system.  This allows any qualified RRP instructor to conduct hands-on activities at any eRRP location from any other location.

    If materials and supplies are not returned to their proper storage location or if the inventory becomes depleted, it will be impossible to conduct hands-on remotely.

    Each student is asked to return items to their proper location, but since the student has never done this before, mistakes are made.  These mistakes must be corrected or the system will not work.

    This means that onsite personnel need to check the six drawers after and before any hands-on takes place.

    If you are assigned to insure that everything is as it should be and if you don’t know what something looks like check these sites for your item:

    The following is the inventory expected in each bin:


Bin 1

2ft x 2ft Plastic Sheeting

Lead Check Swabs

Lead Check Confirmation Cards (place these in small ziplock) contains lead

Lead Check Instructions

Alcohol Wipes

Utility Knife

Masking Tape

Clorox Wipes

Clear Fingernail Polish

Place all of this in a large Ziplock Bag and mark it---LEAD.

2ft x 2ft Plastic Sheeting

Alcohol Wipes

Utility Knife

Masking Tape

Paint Scraper

Black Marker


Plain Paper

Plastic Vials

Mailing Envelope

Chain of Custody Forms

Small Ziplock Bag

Place all of this in a large Ziplock Bag and mark it---PAINT CHIP

Bin 2

Disposable Coveralls

Disposable Gloves (nitrale)

Disposable Shoe Covers

Safety Glasses

Respirator (N-100-R-100-or P-100

        (Student will not try on-Trainer will demonstrate)

Work Gloves--Place in large Ziplock Bag

Heavy Duty Trash Bags

Duct Tape

Small Trash Bags

Clorox Wipes

Bin 3

Heavy Duty Trash Bags (every student gets a bag to "gooseneck seal")

Strips of Plastic Sheeting to wrap "baseboard"

Duct Tape

Bin 4

Plastic Sheeting to Cover Built-in Furniture

Plastic Sheeting to "Gift Wrap Table"

Masking Tape

The 2 pieces of plastic sheeting for "Flapped Entry Doorway"

    (May be folded in training room in plain sight)

Caution Tape

Caution Signs

Duct Tape

Masking Tape

Construction Stapler but NO staples

Bin 5

Duct tape

Masking tape or blue tape

Window plastic

Vent plastic

Runner plastic

Caution signs

Caution tape

Disposable Mop refills for "Purple Wet Jet Mop"

Clorox wipes or baby wipes

Bin 6


Clorox wipes or baby wipes

Booties (disposable)

Gloves (disposable)

Wet refills for "Green Swiffer"

Electrostatic dry cloths

Supply PicturesSUPPLIES_PIX_2.htmlSUPPLIES_PIX_2.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0
HarDware PicturesHARDWARE_PIX_2.htmlHARDWARE_PIX_2.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0
BACK TO INITIAL CHECKLISTPBCR_Checklist_2.htmlPBCR_Checklist_2.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0
BACK TO REFRESHER CHECKLISTPBCRR_Checklist_2.htmlPBCRR_Checklist_2.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0