Course Assignments & Schedule

What’s Due When?


3 Phases
This course is broken into 3 different phases.  
Each phase features specific assignments designed to enhance your learning experience.  Click on each assignment to see the specific requirements -- this will help you do a great job!

Phase One:  DISCOVERY ... Who am I? 
Students will identify various components of the communication process, specifically addressing their own strengths and weaknesses.  Students will explore how to consider others in the communication process who hold ideas different than their own.  These assignments will help you   

Famous Speech
Plagiarism Worksheet
Speech of Introduction

Personality Tests

Students will demonstrate their ability to construct messages using specific design principles and executing effective verbal and non-verbal techniques in the delivery.

Midterm Formula.doc
Informative Speech

Phase Three:  APPLICATION ... How can I apply these skills in the real world?
Theory + Experience = Wisdom
Students will apply their newly learned skills in the "real" world through a series of assignments.  

Letter to Representative
Listening Exercise
Persuasive Speech
Textbook:  Chapter Quizzes
Speech Final.docx

Coach Steele’s Sample Book Chapters   

Part 1:  Untangle Your Tongue Final.doc
Part 2:  Book Formula Final.doc
Create a plan of action for scheduling these assignments once you KNOW formula.../Assignments/Famous.html../Assignments/Plagiarism.html../Assignments/Introduction.html../Assignments/Personality_Test/Personality_Test.html../Assignments/Joke.htmlAssignments_files/Midterm%20Formula.doc
Click eAch link to review the assignment details