I Want to be an RRP Trainer

Seagull has developed the eRRP system of training the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program courses over the past two years.   We have produced the entire manual on to DVD and enhanced it with pictures and videos.  It has been tested in Fort Lauderdale since last July.  Now we are ready to put it into our centers, if you are willing. 

To start training, here is what you need to do:

1. Be sure you have an up-to-date resume on file with Julie at ju7ie@aol.com

2. Take and complete the online course if you are not already a Certified Renovator (You will not become a Certified Renovator by taking the on-line course.  It is only being used as a train the trainer program.)

3. Study the hands-on skill sets in the instructor’s guide www.usepa.bov/lead  (in the training provider area.)

4. Either buy our hands-on kit, build one of your own, or demonstrate to us that you have everything necessary.  It’s not much compared to abatement classes.  There are 11 skill sets.  3 are accomplished in the classroom.  The remaining 8 have been divided into 4 workstations.  Classes of 6 and more can be divided into groups that spend 25 minutes at each workstation.  Then they rotate.

5. Watch our DVD about conducting hands-on.

6. Establish a video chat connection with us through iChat or Skype.

7. Ensure that a video chat can be had for each class.

8. Demonstrate that you can conduct hands-on.

9. Shoot a demonstration ID picture and e-mail it to us.  ID student pictures are required for licensure.

10. Work with Mark about necessary student and course paperwork.

11. Give us eight days notice of your first class.

12. Sign a Training Agreement with Seagull (Individuals only).

13. Begin training.

14. A Seagull Principal Instructor will train with you, at no charge to you, to audit and develop your abilities until you can qualify as a Principal Instructor or other arrangements are made.

        eRRP can be used like most of our other courses, but eRRP has advantages the others don’t, as yet. The classroom portion of eRRP is on DVD, but it is also available as an Internet course.  Our application to actually use it on the Internet has been pending with EPA since November 2009.  Region 4 of EPA has traditionally been one of the slowest of the ten regions, so it may be some time coming.  When it is approved, there are several ways you can make extra money from being the most convenient hands-on facility for Internet students and offering a more flexible service to your clients.  This is not approved yet.

       To complete each of the above steps, contact our office at 1-800-966-9933.


Jim Stump

Copyright 2010 @ James F. Stump

eRRP Trainer
Application Traationwww.seagulltraining.comI_want_to_be_an_RRP_Trainer_files/Instructor%20Application.pdf